I am having a hard week. My kitty that we have had for almost 18 years has been sick for a while now. She has always been tiny, but lost some weight. She has been sleeping lots for a long time now. On Monday I could tell that I was losing her. I kept checking on her on Monday night and about 10:00 went in and picked her up in a blanket. I just sat there and cried and told her it was ok to go. I had said a few prayers earlier in the day and asked Heavenly Father to just take her so she didn't suffer. She acted like she was trying to talk to me. She would just open her mouth, but nothing would come out. I told her I loved her and it was ok. I told her just to close her eyes and sleep. All evening her little body had a slight twitch to it. She passed at 10:30 pm. My husband had already dug a hole for her grave in the backyard over the weekend as I knew we didn't have much time left. I figured it would be easier than digging frozen ground and I knew we had a cold snap coming. We wrapped her in a blanket and buried her. I am going to try and do something for a marker for her grave in the spring. Until then we just covered it with a board and tarp to keep our dog from digging her up. I am happy that she doesn't hurt anymore. It is just hard when your pets become family members and then you lose them.
I got my tree put back up and decorated. As soon as the decorations were fixed again 3/4 of the lights went out. These lights are new! Grrrrrrrr...... My husband got all but one section of it lit again. We are going to have to fiddle with it to get the rest to work.
Yesterday, my son called from school. He was going to go pay a couple of bills for me after school. Instead he said "Mom, I can't go pay your bills. I asked why and he said he hated stupid teenagers. Someone came flying around a corner in the parking lot (covered in ice) and slid into him. We just got this car fixed yesterday! We purchased it a few weeks ago and then he started having problems with it shifting. I told him not to drive it until we had it fixed. We contacted the kid who sold it to him and he just ignored our calls! I had him take it to the school and see if the auto shop kids could figure it out. They were saying that it would cost about 150 to 200 dollars. Well the shop teacher decided it was just a clutch cable. The accident did damage to the front drivers side and the back on the drivers side. When the kid hit him, it slid and then hit the back too. Not much damage actually! The officer said maybe 1800$. The other kid wasn't so lucky! I bet his parents were happy last night. Our insurance man told us that his insurance should cover it since it was his fault. If the damage is more than the car is worth, they will just pay us for the value of the car. I kinda hope that is what happens. Jacob can just take it to school and have them fix the damage and it won't cost too much for parts! He is having some pain in his neck and has an appointment with the Chiro tomorrow! We just need this car to last for a few months so we can get him on a mission next summer! I didn't mean for this to become a book! Have a nice night!
hÄnglar DT - Bären Tags
3 hours ago