Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pics from retreat

The fabulous Marianne Walker teaching us wonderful things to do with our copics! So much fun! Stacey and Eli watching intently so they won't miss a thing.

Dinner at Olive Garden our last night in Phoenix. Front Julie Overby (my roomie! mwah), Debbie Seyer (love you and miss you girl!) and in the back Stacey Caron (love you Stacey!) and me. Ok so I love them all! It amazes me how much we all connected like from the very beginning. I feel like all these fabulous talented women are my Sisters. We bonded from the first words out of our mouths.

This is our first night in Phoenix and we are eating. Hee hee, see a pattern here. On the left is Karen Taylor (love you babe!), Stacey, Mary Pfaff, and Kim Hupke (our fabulous education director). On the right starting in the back: Karen Hunsaker, Debbie Seyer is in there but you can't see her, me and Jennifer Davis. I have a cool story for you. We found out who made the team the end of Feb. We have been chatting back and forth on line since that time so we could get to know each other better before retreat. About a week before we left for retreat we were talking and Jennifer sent a pic of a kindergartner and asked if I recognized this child. I was like "Shut Up!". I babysat Jen when I was a newly married, new Mom. It was so good to reconnect with her again. She grew up, but she is still the sweet lil girl I used to take care of. How fun is that? I can't even begin to thank Stacey, Kim, Cathy, Eli and Jeff enough for the fabulous time and bonding we were able to participate in. The cross promotional companies were so generous and Stacey showered us with fabulous Spellbinders products. She even snuck into our rooms and left fun gifts on our beds. Cute little purses with lipgloss, frames, stuff to soak our tired feet and take fabulous baths, candles, yummy body spray, soft fuzzy socks! It was amazing. I will never ever forget this retreat. K, I am off to get some more DT stuff done. Gotta meet those deadlines. :)


Tori Wild said...

It sounds WONDERFUL!!! Lovin' the pics--- i'll live vicariously through you and your big pile of surprises!!

Heidi Blankenship said...

Lesa, it was so wonderful to meet you at the Spellbinders retreat!! It sure was an amazing time--so many new and fun goodies to play with, memories made and a ton of laughs! I know this is going to be a Fantastic year! miss you & (((hugs)))

Karen said...

I love you too!! What fun we had!!

Marilyn said...

Wow girl - looks like you had a fabulous time - I follow Debbie Seyer's blog too - neat that you got to meet her, and loved your story about Jennifer Davis too. Amazing how small this world really is!

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